13 April 2011

Location 03: Goodsprings Cemetery

The gate's closed but unlocked
This is where Victor picks you up after Benny and his Khan buddies give you a hole in the head. In real life the cemetery's in a different location - presumably they had overspill after the nukes started flying.

In the game, tin cans are trash;
IRL, the drinks are tributes
to the dead.
In the game it occupies an imposing position on top of a hill. The hill's there IRL (complete with dirt paths leading up to it) but the graveyard itself is at ground level, around the back of the hill just beyond the Saloon.

Which means the shots I've taken aren't direct equivalents - it's clearly in a different setting in the landscape - but the spirit of the place remains.

Goodsprings' Boot Hill
In the game: more graves, fewer

The cemetery itself has a Old West, Boot Hill feel. Some of the graves go back a century, some are much newer; all the people here obviously have some deep connection to Goodsprings. With this town done, let's head for Primm.


  1. Too bad you didn't have a wind sock for your microphone.


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